Holiday Tipping Guide: Who to Tip, How Much, and When to Opt for a Gift Instead

From hair stylists to house keepers all sorts of people make our lives easier throughout the year. However deciding how much to tip, when do I give gift and who should I tip can be a tricky situation. Here is some expert advice that will help you maneuver holiday tipping with ease.
Nevertheless, 47% of Americans polled by stated that they would tip their housekeeper an additional cash during the holidays; whereas $50 was the median amount offered. The fact is that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach in regards to giving tips. Your financial condition as well as your preferences are important here. Emily Post Institute suggests tipping an amount equal to one week’s pay. Whenever it is not possible to provide cash choose a small present instead.
Childcare Providers
Among other things, babysitters and childcare providers receive holiday tips with 41% planning on following through in line with a poll by (2012). According to Real Simple, one should give them either $35-$70 in money or its equivalent or even something homemade from kids’ hands. For those regular babysitters it would be appropriate giving them anything between a tip equivalent of one or two nights’ pay.
Nevertheless, teachers most often do not get tips in form of cash but get lots of presents and gifts cards as alternates. Real Simple suggests keeping the budget around $25 which could include books store gift card or coffee shop voucher while others may prefer edible items such as candies and baked food stuffs among others. Should your school have a no-gift policy then penning down such heartfelt notes would be just perfect.
It’s normal for hairstylists to get bigger tips at holidays than normal times. According to survey results, 19% of the respondents plan giving more during that time. A tip equal to what a single visitation to the salon costs, as suggested by CNBC. Consider cash or a gift like a pair of earrings that reflect their style. If several people help you at once when you go in, then split the tip among them.
Normally, the tipping rate increases for restaurant waitstaff because it’s during holiday season. According to survey results, 27% of participants plan doing this. In the meantime, Reuters suggests tipping regular wait staffs with something between $20 and $50 only while suggesting that on special days like Thanksgiving or Christmas one can go beyond 15-20%.
Home Health/Nursing Home Employees
This is because they tend to perform demanding duties such as home health and nursing home workers do. Cash is not liked by Emily Post Institute. However it is recommended contacting the firm or agency regarding its donation policies if any are in place. Alternatively consider buying something thoughtful for your private nurse or better still something for everybody in the entire nursing home such as food.
During holidays personal assistants and front desk receptionists need appreciation too. Real Simple says that this should be worth at least $50 for personal assistants as well as secretaries in order to use their services effectively elsewhere hence bridging gaps where they are needed most though many employees find it below par since otherwise would result into unprofitable business operations , while on other hand there team office attendants are always happy receiving gifts ranging from $20-$25.
Mail/Package Carriers
A mailman & delivery boy may work all day in bad weather just so they can deliver your mails and goods (FedEx). There is an expectation that these individuals will get some form of token but this does not mean we should mortgage our properties so as to give them more money whenever such offers come up especially those that pertain to some special events for instance a valentine day and the like. Find out what your company (e.g. USPS) has to say about gifts (including cash or gift cards). Consider leaving a basket of snacks, a travel mug or warm gloves.
Apartment Dwellers Whether you live in an apartment or not, giving the person who maintains a building like the janitor, doorman, or reception a lump sum of money as appreciation for their service is very thoughtful. Instead, the magazine recommends that $20- $50 be given to every person or contribute towards a shared kitty meant for holiday tips.
Garbage and recycling collectors have challenging careers that are often unappreciated. Although people do not anticipate it tipping or gifting them will go a long way. So CNBC suggests paying each member of the team between $10 and $30 cash or offering snacks (and water). It is also important to find out if there are any laws against giving money in your area.
In Brief
The end of year brings with it many opportunities to show gratitude to those who have done something good for us throughout the year. These rules can always be changed depending on your financial position and familiarity status with individuals involved. When tipping isn’t possible, consider writing a heartfelt thank you letter that mean more than its face value does as well. Since all said and done, holiday tips still remain expressions of gratitude.

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