Are You Really Working Too Much?

For some reason, our society glorifies “more.” We often discuss the idea of “keeping up with the Joneses” as far as material things are concerned. However, I have just discovered that people also appreciate individuals who seem to be “doing” more and not only at work.
Those who make most of their day-to-day activities very busy by maintaining hard fitness routines or ferrying their children among different after school activities are admired. And all this is made harder by the fact that you also work full-time. Because, there are only so many hours in a day: eventually, something will give, right? Apparently, you might be overworking.
Being Too Efficient May Not Earn Respect
I work alone; hence my load has varied greatly over the years. My friends have opinions on what I do that differ.
Some think I spend 12-hour days working every single day while others think I am half way retired with a good life.
Both views are not correct. To clarify this further to you all, I don’t work around the clock and these days money does not bother me anymore either. But it always seems like I’m barely working because majority of my job is done on a laptop. Ironically enough though those friends who think I work long hours respect me more than those who think that I am semi-retired. Why however should we consider running ourselves threadbare honorable than leading healthy lives?
So, Should You Work Even Harder?
At this point, you may assume that I want you to push even harder at your job? No, actually sometimes we try too much. It’s great being appreciated for hustling and doing all the hard things properly said and done though indeed doing more labor can bring about greater earnings.
But is the extra work really worth it? What do you lose by adding an extra hour or two? Let’s go deeper into this.
Work Can Consume Your Life
I’ve worked very hard before. Was this what my friends admired about me when I was working 12-hour days? They don’t even know half of it. Firstly, I used to have a job in sales that involved working for 10 – 12 hours each day and later spending another 6 – 8 hours on my website. My social life suffered because of this as I did not have time to be with my friends.
The Story of My Dad
Maybe it’s because my father was running himself into the ground that I caught the work bug. He was always at his job, leaving early and coming home late most of the times. It was only on weekends that my sister and I could see him. His health deteriorated due to his high demanding job, which led to his premature death. While it is impossible for me to completely blame his profession as he had other health problems, there is no way one can avoid such concerns.
Running at 120% is Not Healthy
We all have just so many hours in a day Nonetheless some people are able to accomplish so much within these given hours Every now and then we become envious of those who balance career, family, volunteer service, hobbies and social lives without breaking a sweat. But performing this juggling act may not be as healthy or admirable as it seems.
We all have our limits: Even the best jugglers drop balls if they keep piling up more tasks and responsibilities for themselves!
Your Breaking Point Might Not Be Known to You
You might suppose that you will know when you have reached the limit but by then, it is usually just another slip away from a breakdown. It’s just simply not smart to keep up this way.
How can one tell if they are too busy? I cannot answer this for you but I can give some warning signs that may mean you are pushing yourself towards an overload.
Signs That You’re Doing Too Much
Symptoms of overwork and multitasking include tiredness and sickness. Your body and mind need time to relax; otherwise, fatigue would set in and your immune system would become weaker.
You Might Become a Different Person Altogether
Your personality and disposition can be affected by psychological and emotional stress. If you find yourself being unusually hard or rude, showing impatience or engaging in other strange behaviors then maybe it is a sign of doing too much.
Doing More Does Not Always Mean Earning More
When you have a tight schedule, it means your brain has to work effectively. However stretching your mental abilities too far could lead to adverse effects like creative burnout, trouble thinking straight, forgetfulness or failing to concentrate well.
This affects your effectiveness at work, work output as well as efficiency in daily chores. Once these symptoms start appearing identify the ones which should be done before your boss thinks they should be finished.
Sometimes Less Is More
I decided though leaving my highly paying sales job for my site. In the long run I chose sleep but more importantly; I chose self-employment with all its upsides such as role balance among others instead of being employed by someone else again.
Enough is Beautiful
Suppose that I managed to hold onto both the sales job and the website. I could have been extremely rich however at what cost? Would I still be married? Will my children always be able to remember their dad took time off his busy schedule just for them?
More is always better when it comes to money but having enough is also fine. There’s something simply beautiful about having had enough and being content with that. We should all try to enjoy it more.
The Bottom Line
Money matters, productivity pays off. Everyone must strive to earn a steady income. If you overwork yourself, however, such that your professional or personal life takes a beating, then you are choosing quantity over quality. But quality is important too.
It’s not worth the extra money at stake: your physical and emotional health should come first. Saying “yes” to any opportunity can rapidly result into burnout. Learn how to listen to your body’s signals and strive for personal balance.

Senior Writer • Business and Information Trends Writer
Lucas writes long-form, investigative articles that explore the deeper implications of business and information advancements.